About Us

The Law Connection Partnership
Centre for Education, Law and Society
Law Courts Education Society of BC
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The Law Connection Partnership
The Law Connection is produced by The Centre for Education, Law and Society (CELS) at Simon Fraser University and the Law Courts Education Society of British Columbia. The Centre for Educational Technology at Simon Fraser University provides technical support and in-kind support for hosting the website. Together, these partners provide a timely educational tool on current issues in law.

The Law Connection was introduced in 1996 by CELS as a way to communicate legal information and lesson ideas to teachers and students. Early funding for the Law Connection came from the The Law Foundation of British Columbia, The Real Estate Foundation of British Columbia, The Notary Foundation, Legal Services Society of British Columbia, Heritage Canada, Multiculturalism Canada and Simon Fraser University. The Law Connection was inactive between January 2000 and September 2002 while CELS resolved technical difficulties and developed a new partnership with the Law Courts Education Society. Today, the Law Connection: Current Issues in Law offers a series of feature articles and lesson ideas around topical legal themes. Plus, we continue to offer Beagle Bytes, an interactive forum where teachers and students may ask legal professionals questions related to the feature articles.


Articles & Lesson Plans Ruth Yates, Managing Editor
Beagle Bytes Ron Rapin, Discussion Moderator/Legal Beagle
Website Development Carson Au, Webmaster, Faculty of Education, SFU
Zoë Macdonald, Communication Projects Manager, Law Courts Education Society of BC
Supervisory Consultants Wanda Cassidy, Director, CELS, Faculty of Education, SFU
Rick Craig, Executive Director, Law Courts Education Society of BC
Beagle Art Dennis Smith

Centre for Education, Law and Society

The Centre for Education, Law and Society (CELS) is an endowed centre situated in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University. It was created in 1984, and formalized in 1994, to promote law-related education in B.C. classrooms by providing credit courses and professional development opportunities for teachers, to encourage the development of engaging curricular resources and to do research into the legal issues that are of concern to teachers and students. For more information, visit www.educ.sfu.ca

Law Courts Education Society of BC

The Law Courts Education Society is a non-profit organization providing educational programs and services about the justice system in Canada and British Columbia. Our mission is to make our justice system accessible to everyone through hands-on, targeted, and two-way education between the public and the justice system. For more information visit www.lawcourtsed.ca.

The Law Connection is brought to you by:

The Centre for Education, Law and Society (CELS) at Simon Fraser University

The Law Courts Education Society of British Columbia

Last Modified: 12/17/02